Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Animal Communication for Children Lesson 3

Lesson 3: How to Use Your Heart Energy
Have you ever noticed how some animals seem to accept you as soon as they meet you. A total stranger will wag their tail and scamper to greet you. And yet if you were to watch the animal as it meets other strangers, you would see that at times it will not do to this with another child. Why? Because animals can feel your HEART ENERGY.

In Lesson 2 we learned about the energy field that surrounds all people and animals. A person that sees an animal and instantly feels their heart do a little flip-flop is sending invisible signals to the animal. It looks up and sends it back and when it runs to meet you it is showing you this joy. That is what HEART ENERGY looks like in action. Some animals may not be so friendly for many reasons. Perhaps they do not fee well or maybe they are shy, all animals have personalities just like people. So do not think that you are walking around with unhappy energy sending signals for them to not greet you, it may have nothing to do with you at all. Just smile anyway. Let's begin to use this tool as we learn to speak with our animals. You may need someone to read the exercise to you as you will need to have your eyes closed.

1) Find a quiet spot and a comfy seat. Sit where you are able to see your animal, but not too close. We are not wanting the animal to jump up into your lap. You want to just observe them and we are going to try and connect to their heart energy. You do not have to be in the same room with your animal, or even in the same location. Communication works wherever you can send a thought.

2) Say a short invocation or prayer to begin your lesson in order to quiet your heart.
It has nothing to do with religion, it has to do with connecting to your inner voice and your special higher self that is always with you.
Sample of opening phrase:
"Please bless me and help me as I learn to communicate with animals. Thank you."

3) Close your eyes and sit quietly. Sink into the chair and begin to breathe slowly in and out feel yourself becoming very relaxed. Just let your weight fall into the chair and release any tension in your jaw and in your fists. Wait for your animal to settle down. They may lie down or sit beside you.

4) As you look into the darkness with your eyes closed, imagine a bright white light high above you. Imagine this white light coming closer to you. Breathe in and out slowly and as you inhale see the light growing larger and coming nearer. Now see the large white shiny light surround you and feel yourself inside of it like a large white bubble. This is a beautiful white shining light that is both protective and keeps away all other sounds and disturbances.

5) Next, repeat this as you imagine another white light coming and surrounding your animal. Now see your animal inside a large bubble made of this shiny white light.

6) It is okay if your animal gets up and walks away, you can still connect with them no matter where they are, even if they go outside. Just sit in this space and imagine yourself next to them, both of you inside white shiny bubbles of light.

7) Now think of how much you love them. Think of everything about them. See them in your mind with you as you are petting or loving them. Pour out your love and affection and see them responding to this. It's ok if you get a little teary or emotional, this is normal. Your animal can feel your love as you think these thoughts. They may even get up and come to you, if they do, it's ok. They are excited that you are learning to communicate in their language.

8) Next, imagine a beam of light coming from your heart and see it as it goes forth and touches your animal's heart. You are imagining a white light that is coming from your heart and connecting to your animal's heart. See it as a light sabre or light sword that is acting as a bridge between you and your animal. You may actually feel this sensation as you are sending heart energy to your animal. You may feel tingly and slightly warm, this is all normal. If you do not feel anything, this is normal too, everyone is connecting in a way that is designed for their body's energy.

9) Now, using your thoughts, tell your animal how much you love them. You can tell them how beautiful or handsome you think they are. How you love their smell or how you love the feel of their fur or how you love the sound of their purr or bark or whatever sound they make. Just use this heart connection to really send them love. Feel yourself as you are doing this. Are you feeling emotional? Are you feeling hot, cold or can you sense they are sending you love in return and you can't explain it, you just know it? You are practicing communication and it begins in the heart connection.

10) When you have finished sending and receiving love, thank them and tell them you will be speaking with them again soon. Imagine the light heart bridge coming back to you and see them in their white bubble filled with all of your love. See yourself in your beautiful white bubble filled with love and when you are ready open your eyes.

Closing: Quietly allow all you have learned to sink in. Accept that you and your animal are able to communicate by using your heart energy. Close your eyes and give thanks.
Practice doing this at least once a week. The more you practice the easier it becomes. You can record this exercise on any device, if you wish to do it by yourself without the need of someone reading it. After you do it a few times you will no longer need anyone to help you, you will just remember the steps and feel an indescribable joy as you see your animal much happier. LOOK FOR CHANGES IN YOUR ANIMAL. Take note as to how they behaved before and after you do the exercise and keep practicing!

In the next lesson we will begin sending questions and receiving answers
Be sure to read all of the lessons as this will help you TALK TO ANIMALS.
Lesson 1
Click on the link to learn more about my work as a professional animal communicator.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Animal Communication for Children Lesson 2

Lesson 2: Love is a Color
All animals and people have the ability to sense when they are near someone that is positive and happy. They also have awareness when others are filled with anger or negative feelings. You are a being made up of energy. All animals, plants and people have an electromagnetic field that surround their bodies. If you could see this in a photo it would look like a rainbow of colors all around you. Special cameras can pick up these colors, but guess what…so can animals. Your attitude creates a color all around you and animals can see this. If you are a happy being, you will appear as a color that indicates this. If you are filled with anger or feel like you want to do something to hurt another, the animal can see and feel this too. What is a happy color? It does not matter, the animal sees it and knows it when you come into contact with them. Can you see that talking with animals begins with how they sense you?
1) Find a quiet spot and sit where you are able to see your animal, but not too close. We are not wanting the animal to jump up into your lap. You want to just observe them and we are going to try and see their energy field.

2) Say a short invocation or prayer to begin your lesson in order to quiet your heart.
It has nothing to do with religion, it has to do with connecting to your inner voice and your special higher self that is always with you.
Sample of opening phrase:
"Please bless me and help me as I learn to communicate with animals. Thank you."

3) Just sit quietly and wait for your animal to settle down. They may lie down or sit beside you.

4) It helps if there is a solid color behind them, like a wall or a floor.

5) Next, pick an area on your animal like a back, or leg that has a background that is solid behind it. It can be a brown floor or a green wall, it does not matter. Stare at the place just behind the spot you have picked on your animal. Try not to blink. As you are staring at the space just behind your animal you may begin to see a slight glow. It may be pink, blue, yellow or even purple. What you are seeing is their energy field. This energy field can be used in sending communication to and from your animal. If you do not see it right away it is ok. Try again later, or you can even try it on your own arm. Just by taking the time to do this, you are showing your animal that you are learning how they communicate. They can see you are trying and the color you have all around you is being sent to them. They will see this color as LOVE.

Closing: Quietly allow all you have learned to sink in. Accept that you and your animal are surrounded by an electromagnetic energy field that helps you communicate.  Your animals can pick up on your energy and SEE them as colors that display love and understanding. Close your eyes and give thanks.
Practice doing this with other living things such as trees, plants, rocks and other people. Soon you will be able to see this energy field and use it when you wish to communicate just by thinking a thought. Your animal will SEE your love when you begin to communicate.

Click on the link to learn more about my work as a professional animal communicator.


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

How Can Children Talk to Animals?

Ever wonder why animals seem to connect so easily with children? Perhaps it is the pure and simple truth that they BELIEVE that the animal understands them, and rightly so.

As a professional animal communicator, I have been blessed with helping many families including the children. If you have an animal living in your home, it is as much a family member as the child that cuddles it. This is a truth. It is not a matter of placing more importance on animals versus humans, it is merely the foundation of a loving energy that is created in this environment. The relationship between child and animal is vital and there is a dynamic communication going on in your home.
It is my intention to help foster this relationship and teach children how to:
1) Tune in to the animal and connect through their heart
2) Still their minds and understand how animals speak
3) Respect and honor all animals in order to bring balance into the home

Lesson 1
Many people call their animals "pets," I do not. I see them as creatures on earth that interact and live among us. Yes we are guardians, but we do not "own" them just as no one "owns" you.

Topic of today: Observation
You are a person with unique features. You may be tall, short, dark skinned or freckled. Your features are yours alone and belong to you. Many may say, "oh you look so much like_______," (fill in the blank), but forget about that. You are you. It is the same with your animal friends. Perhaps you have a breed of dog or cat or bird that others seem to think, "oh your animal looks exactly like that dog over there." Even though in a glance this may be true, your animal is special. It is like no other and it has a personality, character, and qualities that belong to it alone.

1) Find a quiet spot where you will be undisturbed beside a mirror.

2) Say a short invocation or prayer to begin your lesson in order to quiet your heart.
It has nothing to do with religion, it has to do with connecting to your inner voice and your special higher self that is always with you.
Sample of opening phrase:
"Please bless me and help me as I learn to communicate with animals. Thank you."

3) Look at your image in the mirror. Slowly take in every feature.
Look into your eyes and look at all the special colors in your iris (the part that is around the black dot.)
Look at your hair and touch it. Is it shiny or course? Look at your face, do you have dimples? How do your eyebrows look when you frown? Smile at yourself. Do the corners of your mouth turn up or down? Look at your ears. Can you see if they are connected to your head with short lobes (the part that hangs down,) or are they longer? Study yourself in the mirror for 5 minutes.

4) Think about all you have seen. All humans carry genes and DNA that help make them look the way they are. We have no power or choice when we are created. You are exactly as you were intended to be. You are you— and you are special.

Closing: Quietly allow all you have learned to sink in. Accept that your thoughts are living things, that means when you think a thought it gives it energy and attention. Your animals can pick up on your thoughts as they SEE them as images, scents, feelings and understandings. Close your eyes and give thanks.
Now take some time to observe others. You are not to look at them to judge them, you are looking at other humans to see how their genes and DNA created them. Next lesson we will begin to study our animals and learn how to connect.
Lesson 2

Click on the link to learn more about my work as a professional animal communicator.